Ryan Kenney

Brain dump.

TiltLightBox First Ruggedized Prototype

I received the professionally printed PCBs this week, and they look great.

Unfortunately, I'll have to do new ones for our new plan to use 5V addressable LEDs, but the good news is that I can put together a couple of boxes to verify general durability. So far I assembled one. It uses zip ties to hold everything in place and a bit of padding between the PCB and the box sidewall. Because everything is so light, it feels really solid.

We still some de-bouncing logic to prevent flickering, and I'm realizing that tilt/no-tilt are the only reliable states because the tilt sensors at perpendicular angles provide random values. That's why the colors in the video are a little random.

After a bit of stress testing, I ran into two issues, both which I was expecting. First, the plastic gets stress marks if you hit 'em hard enough. This probably won't be an issue just falling on the playa, but it will show up if the boxes get punched/kicked a lot. Either way it's just a minor blemish.

Second, the RF adaptor card fell out its socket. I figured that might happen. I'll probably put a dab of super blue on each, and possibly on the Arduinos as well.